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Signs That You Need a Mental Health Day off Work

Workplace stress and the pressure to consistently perform at your best can be a show-stopper for your mental well-being. And in case you’re wondering – yes – that’s equally valid for both physical labor and intellectual employment.


So, if you’re already here, you probably know at least a little something about mental health days off work. To help you better understand the concept, its importance, and its benefits, we’ll guide you through it in the paragraphs below.


Are you wondering if it’s time for a well-deserved break and how to ask for it? Let’s figure this one out together.


What Is a Mental Health Day Off: The Basics


A mental health day off is, by definition, a designated break from work that allows individuals to prioritize their well-being and handle their mental and emotional needs. It is a day devoted to self-care, rejuvenation, and intentional stress reduction.


Unlike traditional sick leave, a mental health day off focuses specifically on supporting mental well-being rather than physical ailments. It acknowledges that mental health is equally significant and deserves attention and care.


Or else said – it’s a day that allows you to zoom out from work-related stressors, recharge your mental batteries, and engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-reflection.


How Are Mental Health Days Off Regulated


Before we delve into the signs that indicate the need for a mental health day, it’s essential to understand how these days off are regulated in various workplaces.


While the specifics may vary depending on your location and company policies, many organizations have recognized the importance of mental health and implemented supportive measures. Some workplaces may offer specific provisions for mental health leave, while others may include it under general sick leave or personal days.


If that’s not the case, your mental health day off will count as sick or personal leave – two alternatives to which every part-time or full-time employee should be entitled.


So, before you plan your me-time off the office, you should unavoidably familiarize yourself with your organization’s policies to ensure you understand your rights and options.


7 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day Off


There is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health matters, especially in developing countries. This being said, many employees may consider taking a mental health day off work a sign of weakness or even grounds for employment insecurity.


This mindset can easily lead you to overlook or totally ignore the red flags, thus self-sabotaging your comfort and health.


Below, you will find a list of signs and symptoms that you should not neglect when it comes to workplace well-being.

#1 Persistent Exhaustion

Feeling permanently tired, both physically and mentally, or waking up tired after a good night’s sleep, can be a sure sign of accumulated stress.


If you find it difficult to get out of bed or feel constantly drained, it may be time to consider taking a mental health day off without having second thoughts about it.

#2 Decreased Productivity

Experiencing a decline in your work performance, struggling to concentrate, and having difficulty completing tasks that were once routine may indicate that your mental well-being is being compromised.


Taking time off can help you regain focus and rejuvenate your productivity healthily and intelligently.

#3 Increased Irritability

It could signify mounting stress if you become easily frustrated, snap at colleagues or loved ones, or feel on edge without a particular reason.


Stepping away from work for a day can allow you to recharge and recover your composure before stress becomes burnout.

yelling through a rotary phone

#4 Emotional Overload

Frequent mood swings, feeling overwhelmed by emotions, or difficulty controlling your reactions are also important markers to pay attention to.


Work-related stress can contribute to emotional volatility, causing you to experience heightened levels of anger, sadness, or anxiety. This emotional overload can make it challenging to navigate daily tasks and maintain stable relationships.

#5 Lack of Motivation

Did you know that the word intrigued comes from the Latin intrīcō, meaning to entangle or perplex? Then, the Merriam-Webster dictionary tells us that the opposite of intrigued would be absent, inattentive, or apathetic.


Prolonged stress can rob you of the inbound human quality of being entangled, taking away from your enthusiasm and passion. No – going through the motions without experiencing a sense of fulfillment or purpose is not how things should be.

#6 Difficulty Disconnecting

If you simply can’t switch off from work and constantly think about job-related tasks outside of work hours, it’s time to step back.


This inability to mentally detach from work can blur the boundaries between personal and professional life, leaving you constantly on-call and unable to relax or recharge fully.

#7 Physical Symptoms

Physical manifestations such as headaches, stomach problems, muscle tension, or a weakened immune system can also signal excessive stress.


These symptoms should not be overlooked, as they can easily reveal that your mental well-being is being compromised.


The more of the symptoms above you experience, the more urgent the need to rethink your work-life relationship and take measures to destress.


sleeping on the couch

How to Ask for a Mental Health Day Off Work


You are not and should not be required to disclose your emotional states at work unless you want to be open about the situation.


Of course, if your employer actively engages in employee well-being and offers official mental health days off, you can go straight to the point. In that case, you can communicate openly with your supervisor or HR department about your mental health needs. Explain why you requested and emphasize that taking this time off will ultimately benefit your well-being and work performance.


Additionally, if your organization has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or mental health support services, contact them for guidance on requesting a mental health day off.


When you don’t feel comfortable discussing your mental health, you have two different alternatives:


  • Utilize personal days off or personal leave entitlements without providing detailed explanations.
  • Or frame your request as a necessary day off to attend to physical health concerns, a.k.a. sick leave.


The most important basis for your approach should be your personal comfort; after all, your employee expects you to perform at work and not share private information about your life outside working hours.


How to Spend Your Special Me-Time


Once you’ve successfully secured a mental health day off work, it’s time to make the most of this time to recharge and rejuvenate. There is only one universally valid rule about this day, and it says: do, think, and plan nothing related to your job.


Whatever comes next depends on your preferences and personality. So instead of doing things by the book, do them by heart – just make yourself feel good your way.


It could be a day up in the mountains or a day in bed with your favorite novel. It could be a long cooking session, a roller-coaster ride with your kids, or a long talk with an old friend. You can plan and do whatever feels right, even if it’s way too far away from the commonly recommended yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness sessions.


Benefits of Taking a Deserved Well-Being Break


Taking a mental health day off work can provide numerous benefits, most of which are quite obvious.


By definition, your most precious benefit will be your enhanced mental well-being. Stepping away from work can help alleviate stress and reduce burnout, allowing you to return with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.


This will inevitably result in increased productivity and the ability to feel intrigued by your job once again. You can return to work with increased focus and efficiency by giving yourself the space to rest and reset.


Ultimately, you will enjoy an improved work-life balance. The reason is simple – a mental health day off work sets a precedent for self-care and sends a positive message to both yourself and your colleagues.


To sum it all up – taking a mental health day off is a proactive step toward normalizing normality. Because a human being is not designed to work, sleep, and then work again; a human being is designed to feel intrigued by work, life, and everything in between.


black woman laughting and happy

Mental Health Day off Work FAQ

Can I take a mental health day off if I don’t have an officially designated policy at my workplace?

Yes, you can still request time off for mental health reasons, even if there is no specific policy in place. You can simply use your personal or sick leave and use it to recharge mentally.

Can I use my day off to address underlying mental health issues?

While a single day off cannot solve deep-rooted mental health concerns, it can provide a much-needed respite and an opportunity to seek appropriate help and support.

Can I request a mental health day off without disclosing the specific reason?

Yes, if you don’t feel comfortable disclosing the specific reason for your time off, you don’t need to do it. Just take a personal day off without elaborating on the precise details.

When and How To Take a Stress Leave From Work

Stress can affect both your mental and physical well-being, and that’s particularly true in today’s highly challenging work environment. Thus, understanding when and how to opt in for a stress leave from work is crucial for preserving your health and inner harmony.


In the paragraphs below, we will share expert know-how on the stress leave procedure: what it is, when you need it, and how to make it the right way.


Additionally, you will find helpful, hands-on advice on preventing future stress and burnout in your workplace.


What Is a Stress Leave Exactly


A stress leave, also known as a leave of absence due to stress, is a temporary period allowed to spend time off of work. It is granted to employees who undergo excessive stress, impairing their ability to perform their job or taking a toll on their overall well-being.


The primary purpose of a stress leave is to let people regain their balance, recharge, and address the underlying causes of stress or burnout at work.


Signs That You Need to Consider Taking a Stress Leave


Identifying the signs that reveal the need for a stress leave is essential for taking timely action.


The red flags can be mainly divided into emotional and physical symptoms, yet they can vary significantly from person to person.


Some of the most common emotional signs that you need a break include:


  • Persistent anxiety;
  • Overwhelming feelings of stress;
  • Irritability, mood swings, and anger outbursts;
  • Feeling emotionally drained;
  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Loss of interest or enjoyment in activities;
  • An increased sensitivity or emotional reactions;
  • Racing thoughts or a constant feeling of being on edge;
  • Difficulty in making decisions, etc.


In the meantime, you can also notice different physical signs that stress is too much, including:


  • Frequent headaches;
  • Chronic fatigue or exhaustion;
  • Muscle tension or pain;
  • Digestive issues such as stomachaches or nausea;
  • Rapid heartbeat or palpitations;
  • Changes in appetite;
  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping;
  • Weakened immune system, leading to frequent illnesses;
  • Shortness of breath or shallow breathing;
  • Increased sweating, clammy hands, etc.


All of these indicators can spring up when stress levels have reached a perplexing point, demanding your attention and care.


too much work leading to burnout

How to Request Stress Leave From Work


Communicating your condition, your plans, and your needs to your employer can be a challenging thing to do. Anyway, employees should know their rights and proceed with their requests promptly and adequately before the situation gets out of control.


So, here is how to take a leave of absence from work due to stress.

Step 1: Look up and understand your rights

Familiarize yourself with the stress leave laws and regulations in your state or country. Additionally, review your employer’s policy regarding leaves of absence due to stress.


This background will give you confidence and ensure you take the necessary steps within the bounds of the law and company guidelines.

Step 2: Visit your healthcare provider

Secondly, schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss your stress levels and their impact on your well-being. Ultimately, you should request a doctor’s note that supports your need for stress leave.


If you’re wondering what to say to the doctor to get stress leave, the answer is rather simple. All you need to do is to openly share your symptoms and challenges, ensuring the doctor understands the severity of your situation during the appointment.

Step 3: Discuss the situation with your employer

Choose an appropriate time to discuss your stress leave request with your employer. For example, arrange a meeting with your human resources department to debate your options, including the duration of the leave and any available support programs.


Remember that open and honest communication is vital in ensuring you and your employer are on the same page.

Step 4: Focus on your recovery

During your stress leave, prioritize your well-being and do all you can to help your healthy comeback. For example, you can explore self-care strategies such as relaxation techniques, seeking therapy or counseling, or practicing a favorite hobby you’ve left behind lately.


It’s important to utilize your time, recharge and free your mind from all work-related matters during the leave. Now would be the best time to build a new self-care routine that will last in the long term.


Now is the time to also lean on your friends, family, or support groups. Share your feelings and concerns with those who can offer guidance and empathy, and do not hesitate to reach out to professional therapy if you feel the need for it.


recovering from burnout

The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Stress Leave


Every coin has two sides, and stress leave makes no exception.


On the positive side, it provides a much-needed break to address and alleviate stress, resulting in better mental and physical health. In addition, it allows you to recharge and regain your resilience without having to juggle between your work and yourself, even if for a while.


However, a stress leave can also have some drawbacks, especially if your country or company is still not engaged enough with the matters of employee well-being.


Depending on the situation, a stress leave can cause a potential strain on finances or bring up concerns about job security. Understanding these aspects can help you make an informed decision and ultimately think of changing your workplace to a healthier one.


Returning to Work: Tips for a Smooth Transition


Returning to work after a stress leave requires careful planning and a gradual transition to ensure a successful reintegration.


To achieve this, you can consider the following tips:


  • Keep your employer informed about your progress and any special accommodations you may require upon your return.
  • Consider a phased return, starting with reduced hours or lighter duties initially to prevent overwhelming yourself.
  • Establish clear boundaries to protect your well-being and prevent excessive stress from resurfacing.
  • Use all available support systems, such as employee assistance programs or counseling services, to help you navigate any challenges upon your return.

Some countries have well-developed employee support systems that can provide all the resources needed throughout the process.


rock balancing

How to Prevent Future Stress and Burnout at Work


Taking action when stress is overwhelming is important; yet, taking action to prevent stress in the first place would be your best well-being strategy.


To do so, you can gradually learn to prioritize self-care, even if your working schedule makes it seem impossible. Try to regularly engage in activities that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being, such as spending time in nature or rocking out to your favorite band.


In the meantime, avoid overcommitting yourself and learn to say no when necessary. Instead of over-timing as a rule, plan and prioritize your tasks, delegate when possible, and avoid excessive multitasking.


To implement that theory into practice, maintain open lines of communication with your supervisor and colleagues, seeking support when needed. This will help you establish a healthy work-life balance and enjoy your precious time for rest, hobbies, and quality time with loved ones.


Remember – at the end of the day, no one except you and your family will know how much exactly you put into your work. So, to protect your peace and balance, put first things first – starting with yourself as number one on the list.


Stress Leave FAQ


Do you get paid for stress leave at work?

The payment for stress leave varies depending on several factors, such as your employment contract, company policies, and applicable laws. For example, some employers offer paid leave for stress-related absences, while others may require you to use accumulated sick leave or vacation days.


How long can a stress leave typically last?

The duration of a stress leave can change depending on the circumstances and the severity of the case. It can range from a few days to several weeks or even months in more severe cases.


Can an employer deny the request for stress leave?

In general, an employer cannot unreasonably deny an employee’s request for stress leave if it is supported by appropriate medical documentation and complies with applicable laws and company policies. However, specific regulations and legal protections regarding stress leave vary across jurisdictions.


Do I need a doctor’s note to take a stress leave?

In most cases, a doctor’s note or medical documentation is required to submit an official stress leave request. Anyway, if your company is actively committed to employee well-being, you will probably enjoy a more open-minded and supportive reaction to your concerns.

Why Embracing Your Individuality Is Essential for Personal Happiness

We live in a world where diversity and inclusion are on the rise. But that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy to shatter social norms and embrace your unique talents, thoughts, appearance, or mindset.

However, if you want to be truly happy and enjoy life, you need to learn how to accept every part of yourself and not feel afraid to show the world who you truly are.


In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”


If we try to fit in and change ourselves to fit other people’s ideals, we lose our sense of self and erode our self-esteem and self-worth. We also tend to suffer from a loss of confidence as we’re constantly uncertain or scared of revealing our realness. This leads to growing insecurity and uncertainty, which can have a detrimental effect on our mental health.


So, how do you become comfortable being uniquely yourself and sharing your true self with the world?


The answers lie in changing your mindset and working on your personal growth.


Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken


Just like we each have a unique genetic makeup and fingerprint, we all have character traits and characteristics that make us one of a kind.


Oscar Wilde’s epigram about personal identity helps us to acknowledge that we have talents and qualities that no one else does. We just need to discover them and use them to create a valuable contribution to the world.


While it’s not always easy to be yourself, if you recognize that embracing your individuality is a learned process, it will get easier.


Some days, you’ll feel wholly confident in everything you do, and others will be filled with insecurities because you’re not conforming. In time, you’ll learn that being you makes you special and will boost your confidence and self-esteem.


Hiding The Real You Hurts


If you constantly put up a front or hide your real thoughts or feelings, it takes a toll on your mental and emotional health.


You’ll use all your energy projecting a fake personality, and your real thoughts, feelings, and identity will wither away. You’ll feel empty and alone, and you’ll lose touch with yourself.


While you may find that you have a large social circle or are popular when you put on a mask, the people you associate with cannot be your real friends. Simply because you’re not letting them. They’re seeing a manufactured you, and the chances are, they’re portraying themselves in a less-than-authentic light too.


If you show the world your authentic self, you may feel temporary discomfort, as those who “know” you may not feel comfortable around you anymore. This is a reflection on them and not you. You’re no longer fitting a mold that you never fitted before—and not everyone can accept this. Change is difficult, takes work, and is not always welcome.


Don’t let other people’s opinions stop you.


Embrace the mantra of valuing and loving yourself, and recognizing and accepting your uniqueness. Don’t let anyone or anything else determine your worth. You are the only person who is responsible for your happiness.


Forget Fitting And Find Your Place In The World


At some stage in our lives, we’ve worked hard to fit in, even if it meant sacrificing our principles, desires, or dreams. We do this to seek validation and feel worthy, whether in the workplace or trying to improve the way others in our social circle see us.


If you give up something to fit in, you lose a part of yourself along the way.


The pursuit of fake and temporary happiness is like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.


However, if you stop trying desperately to fit in and focus on finding your true place, you’ll find real happiness along the way. Tapping into the inherent qualities that make you you will attract other like-minded people, and it will make expressing your individuality and special talents easier.


If you let go and trust yourself, the world opens up. You—and other people—will see what you have to offer without any barriers.


Truly happy people who are comfortable with themselves radiate a special kind of energy. This energy is appealing and attractive to others who can see and sense it.


 Use Your Individuality To Your Advantage


Being uniquely you can extend to so much more than just your personality and talents. It also includes how you identify, how you dress, the trends you follow, and the way you seek pleasure.


If you don’t allow yourself to express your individuality in ways that speak to you, then you’ll stunt your growth. We grow through change and acceptance. If you embrace your individuality in every way, you’ll enjoy greater personal growth and satisfaction.


In a world where gender and sexual norms are shifting, non-binary fashion is trending, and body positivity is encouraged, everything is becoming mainstream and accepted. Today, there’s no reason why you should hide your authentic self.


In fact, it can even benefit you. You’ll find out how to express yourself and portray the identity that you want to share with the world or potential partners. Not just who you think the world wants to see.


Once you discover who you are, you can follow your true passions and enjoy activities that bring you joy. You’ll know exactly what you like and where you find pleasure and can seek to fulfill this side of yourself without boundaries or inhibitions.


The feeling of freedom that comes with true acceptance is hugely liberating. If you feel free and empowered, happiness is sure to follow.


Loving You For You

woman loving herself

When Rita Mae Brown wrote, “I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself” she said out loud what so many of us know deep down.


Trying to fit in is a quick way to kill your personal happiness. You may attain the approval of others but you’ll never feel fulfilled.


Recognizing your individuality and sharing what makes you unique with the world is a special gift. Not only for the world but for yourself too.

How to Deal With Anxiety at Work

Do you often feel the mental tension building up before you even arrive at your workplace? The good news is bad news; there are millions out there who feel just the same.


Anxiety affects millions of people around the globe, cutting across diverse age, gender, and cultural demographics. As one of the most persistent mental health challenges in the modern world, it is most noticeable in the workplace, where high-pressure situations are often the norm.


If you’re prone to anxiety attacks and a generalized feeling of anxiousness, it’s no surprise that the long hours, difficult coworkers, and pressing deadlines can all contribute to the problem.


Luckily, there are ways to tackle anxiety and regain control of how you feel at your workplace. So, in the following paragraphs, we will explore the various factors contributing to workplace anxiety, its most common symptoms, and some practical tips for managing the situation before it gets out of control.


What is Workplace Anxiety: Definition and Statistics


Workplace anxiety refers to the feelings of nervousness, fear, and unease that can arise and persist in a work environment. These feelings can be triggered by your colleagues, tasks, or the general workplace atmosphere.


Typical symptoms include excessive worry, racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and increased irritability. Meanwhile, physical symptoms can also occur, such as excessive sweating, shaking hands, and heart palpitations.


According to a survey by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, three-fourths of people who feel stressed out at work report that the tension carries over to their personal life.


Research also suggests that anxiety-related disorders are the second leading cause of workplace absenteeism, costing employers billions of dollars in lost productivity annually.


Given the facts above, we can easily assume that workplace anxiety is both a significant factor in one’s overall well-being and a fundamental problem that employers need to understand and address.


Top 10 Causes of Anxiety in the Workplace


There are various workplace anxiety causes and identifying your triggers can be the first step in handling them in the long term. So, let’s bring up the curtain and explore ten of the most frequent reasons for feeling uneasy while at work.


#1 Workload and Deadlines

The mounting workloads, suffocating deadlines, and towering expectations can build a sense of pressure and stress that can trigger anxiety. Individuals who struggle to manage their workload or feel flooded by the demands of their superiors or clients may be more susceptible to anxiety attacks.


In addition, the constant buzz of tasks that need to be accomplished can leave workers feeling overwhelmed, and unrealistic time frames can add to their workplace anxiety.


overloaded with work

#2 Interpersonal Conflicts and Workplace Bullying

Conflict with coworkers or supervisors, workplace bullying, or feeling excluded can add to the social anxiety at work. A workplace lacking a positive, supportive culture can also increase employees’ feelings of constant and undefined dread.


Workers who feel they are not valued or heard may experience nervousness, leading to decreased productivity and a lack of motivation.


#3 Lack of Control

Experiencing a lack of agency in managing your workload or schedule can also give rise to a pervasive sense of debasement that may worsen your anxiety.


Surveys suggest that those who perceive themselves as having little influence over their workload or career path may become particularly susceptible to anxiety. In addition, feelings of helplessness may feed into the already scaling distress, leaving individuals feeling trapped in a closed circle.


#4 Job Insecurity

The mere thought of losing one’s job or the fear of instability in one’s career can induce an immediate negative reaction in a person. People who have undergone job loss or downsizing previously may be more prone to experiencing anxiety related to job security. The unpredictable nature of their occupation status can give rise to stress and anxiety, adversely impacting their and even their families’ mental well-being.


out of money

#5 Poor Work-life Balance

Trying to juggle work and personal responsibilities can be a lot to handle, and not having enough time for self-care can intensify workplace anxiety. In addition, people who sense their job has become all-consuming may be at greater risk of developing long-term mental health issues. These include but are not limited to generalized anxiety, depression, and even substance abuse.


#6 Poor Job Satisfaction

It’s common for people to experience anxiety when they feel that their work doesn’t hold personal significance or lacks alignment with their values.


The dissatisfaction can cause a downward spiral, where lack of motivation feeds into anxiety levels, and vice versa. In such cases, it’s essential to assess the reasons behind the dissatisfaction and explore alternatives to bring greater meaning to one’s work.


#7 Organizational Change

Staff can quickly develop anxiety when confronted with corporate transformations, such as organizational restructuring, downsizing, or alterations in top-level management. That’s especially valid for people who bear skepticism about their place in the hierarchy or the future trajectory of the business.


The executive personnel in charge have a crucial role in providing certainty and elucidation along the process. By expressing themselves openly and transparently, they can foster a feeling of calm and confidence among employees.


#8 Poor Communication

Insufficient communication, ambiguous prospects, or substandard feedback have never made a workplace environment any better. Employees who don’t have the necessary details to perform their duties or are not receiving satisfactory assistance from their colleagues or supervisors can (quite logically) feel uncomfortable and worried. In addition, poor intercommunication can create a feeling of seclusion, contributing to employee anxiety and strain.


poor communcation between two colleagues

#9 Physical Work Environment

Unpleasant work settings are proven to both originate and deepen workplace concerns. These can be loud clamor, no access to enough daylight, an uncomfortable seat, or any other profession-specific physical discomfort.


Workers who lack a secure or cozy workplace start to automatically correlate between discomfort and work. That’s ultimately a ground for developing some not-so-pleasant associations with the place of employment.


#10 Trauma

Witnessing an incident, acts of violence, or workplace bullying is more challenging for some people to take. Individuals who have faced such trauma might be more susceptible to work-related anxiety, even if they change their workplace or settle the conflict.


The reason is that the mere recollection of the traumatic event can incite feelings of panic and anxiety, leading to reduced efficiency and drive.


It’s worth noting that some individuals may be more prone to anxiety than others, regardless of their workplace environment. Factors such as genetics, family history, and personal life experiences can all contribute to an individual’s predisposition for anxiety.


How To Manage Anxiety At Work


Fortunately, there are several strategies individuals can use to manage anxiety in the workplace.

Here are some practical tips to help you manage how you feel:


  1. Identify the cause. Try to specify what’s causing your anxiety and address it directly. If it’s a workload issue, talk to your supervisor about adapting your assignments. In the case of a colleague conflict, attempt to resolve the matter through communication or mediation.
  2. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or grounding techniques for anxiety. These techniques can help you relax your mind and body and relieve stress and tension.
  3. Seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional. Discussing your emotions with someone can help you process them and gain a different perspective.
  4. Establish boundaries in your work schedule and make time for self-care. In addition, you can take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk, or do something you enjoy.
  5. Learn self-empathy and show kindness to yourself. Remember that uneasiness is a normal human response, and it is acceptable to experience anxiety occasionally.
  6. Stay methodical – formulate a to-do list and prioritize tasks to remain systematic. This can aid you in handling your workload more efficiently and diminish the feelings of being overburdened.
  7. Guarantee your sound sleep each night, as sleep deprivation can intensify anxiety and stress by altering the hormonal balance in your body.
  8. Convert pessimistic self-talk into positive assertions to help decrease anxiety. You can root out negative thought patterns by doing daily exercises and tracking your progress.
  9. Use humor to lighten the mood and reduce tension in the workplace. Laughing can help reduce stress and face challenges with a healthy dose of wit.

If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, consider taking a mental health day off to recharge and refocus. Taking time off can help you gain perspective and return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


If workplace anxiety persists or worsens despite your best efforts, it may be time to consider whether your job is the right fit for you and whether it’s time to make a change. Remember – your mental health and well-being should always come first.


I quit postit note

Anxiety at Work: When To Quit?


The first and most certain red flag would be the physical symptoms of workplace anxiety, such as recurrent headaches, stomach problems, or insomnia. If you have these, it may be time to revisit whether your job contributes to your health issues and leave it behind if it does.


If you dread going to work each day and can’t shake the feeling of anxiety, it may also be time to ask yourself whether your job is causing more harm than good. This is especially true if you have a well-known anxiety trigger you’ve tried to discuss and resolve before that still hasn’t changed.


Some other signs that the positives of quitting might outweigh the negatives include:


  • Your values don’t align with the company’s values;
  • You’re not growing or learning;
  • The work environment is toxic:
  • Your mental health is getting worse;
  • You have a better job opportunity;
  • You feel unable to voice concerns or provide feedback;
  • You face unfair treatment or favoritism, etc.


Last but not least – you might just feel your gut telling you it’s time to go. Sometimes, intuition knows better than rational arguments – so trust it. Maybe it’s just time to move on and replace workplace anxiety with inspiration, motivation, and fulfillment.

What is Workplace Bullying, and How to Deal With It?

A standard 8-hour workday and a standard 40-hour workweek calculate about 160 hours a month and between 1600 and 2000 hours a year spent in your workplace. That’s about one-third of your adult life or nearly three full years of a 10-year period – if you never ever do overtime.


So, work is rarely just working, and it’s safe to say that the workplace environment is the second most vital provision for your well-being after your home.


In the light of all of the above, today we open the case of workplace bullying – a pervasive problem that affects millions of workers worldwide.


In the paragraphs below, we will discuss what workplace bullying is, the different types of bullying behavior, its effects on employees and organizations, its legal implications, and the strategies that employers can use to prevent and address it.


Introduction to Workplace Bullying: Definition and Statistics


Workplace bullying is a widespread concern that impacts millions of employees each year. It is defined as repeated and deliberate behavior intended to intimidate, humiliate, or harm an individual both personally and professionally.


Workplace bullying can take many forms and may involve physical, verbal, or psychological abuse. It can not only hinder one’s professional growth, but it can also impact the victim’s mental well-being and physical health.


Unfortunately, workplace bullying is more common than many people realize. A recent study by the Workplace Bullying Institute found that 30% of workers have experienced workplace bullying at some point in their careers. Furthermore, 52% of the bullied were non-management employees, and a skyrocketing 65% of bullies were the bosses themselves.


Considering the size and localization of the study, we might suggest that workplace bullying is an even more significant issue in developing countries and on a global scale.


Types of Workplace Bullying Behavior


According to the same study from the Workplace Bullying Institute, employers tend to rationalize and deny bullying. Sometimes, this can even happen among employees themselves.


Recognizing bullying behavior is the first step toward addressing and solving the issue. And though bullies can also be perfect gaslighters, it’s essential to identify inappropriate behavior and stand against it – no matter if you or your co-worker happen to be the victim.


coworker yelling

So, what are the different types of bullying in the workplace?


  • Humiliation and ridicule involve belittling or mocking an individual in front of others. This behavior can damage an individual’s self-esteem and create a hostile work environment.
  • Micromanagement involves a supervisor or manager constantly monitoring and controlling an employee’s work. This can make employees feel like they are not trusted or valued, leading to decreased productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Work interference occurs when a supervisor or manager disrupts an employee’s work by giving contradictory instructions, interrupting their work, or failing to provide necessary resources. This can make it difficult for employees to do their job effectively, thus leading to frustration and burnout.
  • Retaliation emerges when an employee is punished or charged for reporting workplace bullying or other misconduct. This can create a culture of fear and discourage employees from reporting inappropriate behavior.
  • Work overloads involve assigning an unreasonable amount of work or setting unrealistic expectations for an employee. The results often include signs of burnout, decreased productivity, and raised stress levels.
  • Undermining work performance or reputation involves sabotaging an employee’s work or prestige as an expert. This behavior can damage an individual’s career and make it difficult for them to evolve in their specialization.
  • Practical jokes or pranks are often considered witty or amusing by the bully. Except that they’re usually not. Workplace humiliation is nowadays not only practiced but broadcasted live on social media, thus deepening the self-esteem damage on the victim’s part.
  • Institutional bullying is when an organization’s policies or procedures construct a hostile work atmosphere. This can include policies that discriminate against certain groups or fail to address workplace bullying.
  • Discriminatory bullying involves bullying based on individual characteristics, such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. That’s illegal and can lead to legal action in most countries around the world.
  • Verbal abuse concerns using language intended to hurt, threaten, or humiliate an individual. It usually comes after one or more of the abovementioned behaviors and is also considered valid grounds for taking legal action against the bully.
  • Sexual harassment involves unwanted sexual advances or comments from a supervisor or co-worker. This type of behavior is legally banned and requires immediate action.

All in all, workplace bullying can take many forms, but it always feels the same – inappropriate, wrong, and hurtful.


workplace bullying

Effects of Workplace Bullying on The Employee and the Organization


The harmful effects of workplace bullying are inevitable for both the individual employee and the organization as a whole.


Psychological Effects On The Victim


The psychological effects of workplace bullying on victims can be severe and long-lasting. Ongoing harassment, humiliation, and intimidation can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The victim may also develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and have difficulty concentrating and completing tasks.


Anxiety attacks, characterized by sudden intense fear or discomfort, can also occur due to workplace bullying.


These psychological effects can significantly impact the victim’s personal and professional life, making it challenging to function in daily life and maintain healthy relationships.


Physical Effects On The Victim


The physical results of workplace bullying on victims are equally concerning. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia and nightmares, are common among victims of workplace bullying, as the constant stress and anxiety make it difficult to relax even when out of the toxic environment.


Headaches, digestive problems, and high blood pressure are also expected physical symptoms of workplace bullying. In severe cases, victims may develop heart disease, a condition that is associated with long-term exposure to stress.


Effects On The Workplace Culture


Workplace bullying doesn’t just affect the victim; it also has a significant impact on the workplace culture as a whole.


Employees who witness or are aware of workplace bullying may experience decreased morale and a sense of unease, reducing their motivation to work. In addition, the high turnover rates associated with workplace bullying can also disrupt the organizational culture and decrease productivity.


Additionally, workplace bullying can lead to increased absenteeism and use of sick leave, further disrupting the workplace and increasing the cost of healthcare for the organization.


Effects On The Organization’s Productivity


When employees are bullied, their stimulus and job satisfaction decrease, thus lowering efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, employees who are teased and ridiculed may become distracted and disengaged from their work, leading to a well-measurable drop in the quality.


This, in turn, can negatively affect the organization’s reputation, leading to reduced customer satisfaction and fewer profits.


Bullying In The Workplace: Laws and Legal Implications


Employers are legally responsible for providing their employees with a safe and healthy work environment. Or else said – failure to address workplace bullying can result in legal consequences for the organization.


In some countries, there are laws that prohibit workplace bullying and harassment, and employers who do not comply with these laws could face legal action.


In addition, employers who fail to address workplace bullying may also face legal claims for compensation from employees who have been bullied. Such claims could be based on the grounds of negligence or breach of duty of care.


filling a workplace harassment form

What Can Employers Do: Prevention and Intervention Strategies


Employers can take several measures to prevent and address workplace bullying, including:


  • Establish a clear and comprehensive anti-bullying policy that outlines what constitutes bullying and the consequences of such behavior.
  • Train employees and managers on the essence of workplace bullying and how to prevent it.
  • Encourage employees to report bullying incidents and provide them with a confidential reporting system.
  • Investigate all reported incidents of bullying in a timely and fair manner.
  • Implement appropriate disciplinary actions against employees who engage in bullying behavior.
  • Provide support and counseling to victims of bullying, be it within or out of the organization.
  • Foster a positive work culture that values respect, teamwork, and open communication.
  • Monitor the workplace for signs of bullying and take proactive measures to prevent it.


These measures are more standard than exotic in developed countries. Still, there’s a lot to be done in many parts of the world where bullying is still not taken seriously enough and is still not penalized accordingly.




Workplace bullying is a serious problem that can have severe psychological, physical, and financial consequences for both employees and organizations.


To avoid culturing such behaviors, employers can develop a positive work culture that promotes respect, collaboration, and productivity by taking proactive measures to prevent and address conflicts in or between their teams.


To do so, it is crucial for organizations to recognize the adverse effects of workplace toxicity and accept their role as not merely a place to work but also a place to live – and live well.

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