Prioritize Your Team's Mental Health 

I​ncrease well-being and satisfaction in your workplace with RelaxifyApp - the science-based platform solution for you. 

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For every €1 invested in a mental health platform you can get €7 back in:


of Reduced Absenteeism


of Increased Employee Retention


of ​​Increased Productivity 

How do we achieve that?

RelaxifyApp evaluates the current well-being state of the user and creates a personalized program as well as an anonymous company-wide score tracking and an early prevention program

I nteractive exercises offer employees a diverse range of benefits: 

• Manage Stress
• Prevent Anxiety and Burnout
Boost Productivity
• Improve Coping Mechanisms
• Train Focus and Attention 
• Build Positive Relationships
• Education on Mental Health Topics

It's All Based On Science

Designed by licensed professionals, RelaxifyApp assesses users' well-being in four dimensions, providing a science-backed and evidence-supported solution:


Increase self-esteem and mental abilities such as focus, attention and memory.


Develop resilience, coping mechanisms and relaxation methods.


Develop positive well-being habits, and be aware of your body and needs.


Build healthy and supportive relationships, and improve communication skills.

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